Trivia at Crooked Lane and Online- every Thursday at 6pm
Here’s how to play:
Register so you can chat- the live stream will occur here every week.
Answer sheets are available at
Open up your answer sheet, settle in, and crack a cold one! Once you fill out the answer sheet, submit and open the next. Submit all your answer sheets to be considered for prizes!
Meet your Trivia Host - Jeff James!
If you’re not playing Crooked Lane Trivia, you should be! We have found a way for trivia to happen both in-person and virtually, and both versions are a total kick in the pants. Let the following be your personal invitation to Thursday night joy!
Jeff James, our trivia host extraordinaire, daylights as a middle school teacher and man-about-town… he’s also somewhere between a homebrewer and a pro-brewer. He once collaborated with Crooked Lane on an IPA called Room 41, a super dank DIPA, as firmly bittered as James’ disposition. Room 41 declared Crooked Lane the bonus room for the local middle school, something like the remote teachers’ lounge. Goodness knows middle school teachers need a beer.
While Jeff is indeed an all-around good guy, it turns out his superpower is trivia. We don’t know exactly how he got this good right out of the box, but he is LEGIT. Jeff is presenting this trivia experience in a format that is very virtual-friendly- the hilarity makes it through your screens just fine!